TÜRKÇE       17.01.2025
You have to be a member of our site to be able to order .Press `Be member` on the left hand side group for your free membership.

Making orders:
You can order in three steps after your membership. You press `Add to basket` for any item you have chosen for your buy after your inquiries and investigation on the screen.This and all the following buys will be added to your order with the same action made for each item you chose. You can reach the items in your basket by pressing `Items in basket` on the left or the `Basket ikon` on the right.

On the `In the basket` screen you can make any changes or cancellations in the amounts of your buys, pressing `order` you finish the action. Also on this page the freight charges are shown and they vary according to the volume of the item sent.

The second step is to go to `Confirm basket`, press to enter and please fill out your complete addr. and delivery infos. Correct and complete infos secure the act of safe delivery. Go on to `Payment` screen by pressing `forward Payment`. This is the last step of your order, you can reach the freight charges, the amount of the invoices and delivery infos. On this screen. You can go back to `Order infos` screen for any corrections on this page. You can chose one of the form of payments for your order: 3D Secure Credit Card or Money Order. Please fill in the infos. On your screen for your chosen form of payment and press `I approve the sale contract` and go on to the `Confirm order` link. Your order has been made with the form of payment of your choice.
In the case your chosen form of payment is `money order`, after a successful transaction you will receive the `Bank Money Order` infos on your screen.
Your confirmation of the order in the `basket` will be transfered to `My orders` with the same order no. You can follow up now your orders this division of the screen.
Order delivery process:
This process begins with the confirmation of the form of payment you have chosen and ends with the delivery of your order by the freight co. within 2-7 days for national orders.
Problems in the stockage at hand:
In case the items you have ordered are not being able to be supplied the stocks at hand, you will be informed about this fact thru your tel. Nos. or e-mail. In this case it is very important that the customer provides us with his correct contact nos.
Error in prices :
Any error concerning the price of an article in the system, traced by us can lead to a cancellation of the order thru us. We behold the right to cancel and refund the payment to the customer. The customer cannot demand any interest or similar charges the vendor for the refund process.

Orders placed after working hours:

Our working hours are on weekdays 09-18.00 and Sat. 09-13.30. After 18.00 all orders are processed on the next day at 09.00. After 13.30 sat. the process begins for the order on the following monday. Please put in your delivery addr. for each order you make. The system takes in the info during the order and the freight is delivered safely to your addr. given. The delivery is made to the orderer himself only or any third person next of kin.
Orders made to our site cannot be delivered to Cyprus or abroad.